This humble fee is to sustain the server bots and supply a coffee for our spent time on doing the Map Combos and testing them to keep them up to date.
Includes Discord benefits
Early access to Map Combos via this website
Access to Patreons Only chat channel

This humble fee is to sustain the server bots and supply a coffee for our spent time on doing the Map Combos and testing them to keep them up to date.
You will get early access to the YouTube Video 12 hours before being released to the general public.
Includes Discord benefits
Early access to Map Combos via this website
Access to Patreons Only Discord Text channel
​24 hours early YouTube Video access

This humble fee is to sustain the server bots and supply a coffee for our spent time on doing the Map Combos and testing them to keep them up to date.
You will get first access to the Youtube Video 12 hours before being released to the general public.
Access to Patreons Only chat channel as well as access to the Committee Boardroom. Circumstances have changed, and Jerry no longer has the time to develop All-in-one fixes
Includes Discord benefits
Early access to Map Combos via this website
Access to Patreons Only chat channel
24 hours early access to updates for GMC Logistics Mods
12 hours early YouTube Video access